Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma in Statistics and Data Science (online)

Course Philosophy

This sequence of part-time courses is intended for graduates of disciplines, other than statistics, who want to develop and deepen their knowledge of statistical methods for solving problems involving data arising in business and industry, in public service agencies or in research agencies.  The courses also introduce you to data science, a field that combines statistics with aspects of computer science, through an introduction to the basics of these other non-statistical aspects, such as machine learning and data management. You can choose to study for 1, 2 or 3 years for a Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or Masters qualification.  For 2023/24, the Certificate is available, with the Diploma running from 2024/25 and the Masters available from 2025/26.

The courses are best seen as ‘continuing professional development’ for people who need statistics for their work, or who are interested in eventually taking a more technical programme in data science.  They are entirely online and so can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.  There is no need to access Trinity College campus in Dublin.  They are also designed to be part-time, allowing you to fit them around a full-time job or other responsibilities.

General Information

Course Director

Simon Wilson
Professor of Statistics

Natasha Blanchfield
Executive Officer, Computer Science

Course administrator for the PG Cert in Statistics