PG Cert, Dip & M.Sc. in Statistics and Data Science (Online)

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Core Modules

ST8003 Linear Regression

Module Code ST8003 Module Name Linear Regression ECTS Weighting[1] 10 ECTS Semester taught Semester 2 Module Coordinator/s   Dr John McDonagh  Module Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this…

STP80030 Dissertation

Module Code STP80030 Module Name Dissertation ECTS Weighting [1] 30 ECTS Semester Taught Full Year Module Coordinator/s   Assigned Supervisor Module Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module, students…

STP80110 – Advanced Linear Models 1

(Semester 1; 5 ECTS) This module will cover the theory of linear regression and linear mixed models and their estimation methods, modelling repeated measures overtime; various random effect models, including single random effects, multiple random effects, and random coefficient models; and non-parametric modelling approaches, to include splines and bootstrapping.

STP80120 – Advanced Linear Models 2

(Semester 2; 5 ECTS) This module will cover simple linear regression and multiple regression, with underlying theory; regression model diagnostics and how to resolve problems; Generalised Linear Models (GLMs), to include an overview of GLMs, logistic regression, Poisson regression and ordinal regression.