This postgraduate course in Statistics and Sustainability will provide students with a wide range of modelling, computing, and statistical skills. They will study a variety of sustainability topics that are key to developing solutions to environmental challenges. Students will gain experience of the development and application of statistical techniques and models, and geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing technologies, to local and global sustainability problems. They will be exposed to the underlying theory of the statistical methodologies studied to deepen their statistical skills and their ability to promote statistical innovation.
Communication skills will be developed via individual and team project work embedded in the curriculum, and there will be an emphasis on translating statistical outcomes to broad audiences in multiple contexts. Graduates will be equipped with the quantitative skills needed to promote data-based decision making and ‘green’ innovation.
The course runs full-time over a twelve-month period commencing late September and completing early September of the following year. Formal teaching is divided into two twelve-week semesters, running from September to December and from January to April. By April, students will have chosen their Dissertation topic, picked and consulted in conjunction with their chosen supervisor, and be ready to develop substantial time researching and prototyping their work.