Module Code | STU33005 |
Module Name | Information Systems |
ECTS Weighting[1] | 5 ECTS |
Semester taught | Semester 2 |
Module Coordinator/s | Diana Wilson |
Module Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
LO1 Understand and describe origins, development and deployment of Information
systems in organisations and society, both in theory and in practice.
LO2 Evaluate and assess emerging technologies and their potential.
LO3 Identify and understand the ethical, social and political issues raised by
Information Systems.
Module Content
The aim of the module is to introduce students to the crucial role that Information
Systems play in all aspects of society and the workplace as these domains undergo
trans-formative change. The module takes unorthodox and alternative perspectives
in order to develop critical thinking. While the module will cover all the usual suspects (data management, security, privacy, business alignment…), time will be made for ‘breaking news’ in the
technology sector.
Assignments will be reflective of real world problems and issues and how
Information Systems can mitigate against them.
Teaching and learning Methods
Lectures, tutorials and guest lecturers.
Assessment Details
Assessment Component | Brief Description | Learning Outcomes Addressed | % of total | Week set | Week Due |
1 group assignment | Project | LO3, LO4, LO5 | 50 | 1st week | last week |
1 individual assignmen | Essay | LO5, LO6 | 50 | 1st week | last week |
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Reassessment Details
Contact Hours and Indicative Student Workload
Contact Hours (scheduled hours per student over full module), broken down by: | 33 hours |
Lecture | 20 hours |
Laboratory | 0 hours |
Tutorial or seminar | 11 hours |
Other | 2 hours |
Independent study (outside scheduled contact hours), broken down by: | 0 hours |
Preparation for classes and review of material (including preparation for examination, if applicable | 0 hours |
completion of assessments (including examination, if applicable) | 66 hours |
Total Hours | 99 hours |
Recommended Reading List
No set text. Readings will be provided and websites recommended.
Module Pre-requisites
Prerequisite modules: None.
Other/alternative non-module prerequisites: None.
Module Co-requisites