BD7051 – Practical Environmental Assessment

Module CodeBD7051
Module Name Practical Environmental Assessment
ECTS Weighting [1]5 ECTS
Semester Taught2
Module Coordinator/s   Prof Jean Wilson

Module Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate broad knowledge of environmental law and principles relevant to its application.
  2. Describe the legal framework within which environmental law in Ireland operates and identify the scheme of environmental regulation at national, European and International level.
  3. Advise management on compliance with the requirements of key environmental legislation, regulation and policy.

Module Content

Topics covered in this module are:

  • The module is designed to provide a high-level overview of environmental law – it is an introduction to the fundamentals of law that govern how society interacts with the environment. As future scientists, consultants and conservationists it will be impossible to successfully deliver research or projects without careful attention to the legal framework protecting the environment. The module seeks to provide you with foundations of both theoretical and empirical knowledge of environmental law, as well as equipping you with an understanding of the contemporary debates and critical issues in, and perspectives on, environmental regulation.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Assessment Details

Assessment ComponentBrief Description Learning Outcomes Addressed% of TotalWeek SetWeek Due
Essay 40
Group work Report and Presentation   40
Quiz   20

Reassessment Details

Contact Hours and Indicative Student Workload

Contact Hours (scheduled hours per student over full module), broken down by: hours
Lecture hours
Tutorial or seminarhours
Independent study (outside scheduled contact hours), broken down by:hours
Preparation for classes and review of material (including preparation for examination, if applicable)hours
Completion of assessments (including examination, if applicable)hours
Total Hourshours

Recommended Reading List

Module Pre-requisites

Prerequisite modules:

Other/alternative non-module prerequisites: N/A

Module Co-requisites


Module Website
