CS7GV4 – Augmented Reality

Module CodeCS7GV4
Module NameAugmented Reality
ECTS Weighting [1]5 ECTS
Semester TaughtSemester 2
Module Coordinator/s  Gareth W. Young and Binh-Son Hua

Module Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

  1. To gain background knowledge at the intersection of computer graphics, computer vision, and machine learning tailored for XR
  2. To learn the fundamental and state-of-the-art techniques in modern XR hardware, software, and applications
  3. To develop a fully functional XR project

Module Content

This course covers fundamentals, state-of-the-art augmented reality, and related extended reality (XR) technology areas. Theoretical background, as well as practical solutions and applications, will be presented in the lectures. Students will get direct exposure to the latest research from the Graphics and Vision discipline.

In their work, students will be asked to develop their project in various stages, from brainstorming new ideas, trying their implementations, testing and evaluating, and demonstrating their final documentation via presentation. In this way, they will experience the entire lifecycle of a practical project as done in academic and industry research.

Specific topics addressed in this module will include:

  • Graphics pipeline
  • 3D reconstruction
  • Perceptual system
  • Rendering
  • HMDs
  • IMUs
  • Pose tracking
  • 3D content creation
  • Immersive Audio

Teaching and Learning Methods

2 x Lectures per week: Two weekly lectures covering a wide range of topics and the state-of-the-art in XR.

1 x Lab session per week: The lab session provides hands-on materials for students to get familiar with different XR techniques, which will be helpful in their assignments and projects.

2 x Programming assignment: Two take-home programming assignments for equipping students with the relevant coding skills for XR applications.

1 x Thematic final project: The most exciting part of the second half of the course is for students to develop a novel XR project by leveraging newly acquired skills learned over the module.

Assessment Details

Assessment ComponentBrief DescriptionLearning Outcomes Addressed% of TotalWeek SetWeek Due
CourseworkSee aboveLO1, LO2, LO320%
AssignmentsSee aboveLO1, LO2, LO340%  
ProjectSee aboveLO1, LO2, LO340%  

Reassessment Details


Contact Hours and Indicative Student Workload

Contact Hours (scheduled hours per student over full module), broken down by:33 hours
Lecture22 hours
Laboratory11 hours
Tutorial or seminar0 hours
Other0 hours
Independent study (outside scheduled contact hours), broken down by:72  hours
Preparation for classes and review of material (including preparation for examination, if applicable)22 hours
Completion of assessments (including examination, if applicable)50 hours
Total Hours105 hours

Recommended Reading List

Fundamentals of Computer Vision in any form, e.g.:

  • Design, 5th Edition, 2019 by Sharp, Preece & Rogers.

Module Pre-requisites

Prerequisite modules: Background in fundamentals of computer vision and graphics (CS7GV1, CS7GV6) or (CSU44052, CSU44053) will be very helpful but not necessarily required.

Other/alternative non-module prerequisites: Knowledge in Python, OpenCV, Unity, Vuforia, ARCore, ARKit will be helpful but not necessarily required.

Module Co-requisites


Module Website
