CS7028 – Audio Video and Sensor Technologies

Module CodeCS7028
Module NameAudio Video and Sensor Technologies
ECTS Weighting[1] 10 ECTS
Semester taughtSemester 1 & 2
Module Coordinator/s  

Module Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
LO1. Understand the nature of sound
LO2. Use a mixing control and Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs)
LO3. Use Virtual Studio Technology (VST plug-ins)
LO4. Set up microphones for recording voice and acoustic instruments
LO5. Conduct an audio recording session in a sound recording studio
LO6. Control the audio in a live performance
LO7. Create audio software using the Pure Data visual programming
LO8. Assess the technical requirements for producing a video.
LO9. Operate professional camera and apply shooting techniques.
LO10. Produce professional quality video projects
LO11. Recognise common terms and practices in the creation of a video
LO12. Shoot / light an interview with edited cutaway sequences
LO13. Assess the technical requirements for producing a video.
LO14. Operate professional camera and apply shooting techniques.
LO15. Produce professional quality video projects
LO16. Recognise common terms and practices in the creation of a video
LO17. Shoot / light an interview with edited cutaway sequences
LO18. Fourth learning outcome (Niall O’Hara)
LO19. Fifth learning outcome
LO20. Sixth learning outcome

Module Content

Audio Technologies (Jack Cawley)
 Introduction to Sound and Acoustics: Acoustic waves; Time and Frequency;
Decibels and loudness; Inverse Square Law; Transducer systems
 Room Acoustics and Psychoacoustics: Pitch, Loudness and Timbre; Impulse
responses; Room acoustics: Early Reflections, diffuse field; Psychoacoustic
parameters: IACC, LE, LF; Absorbers, diffusers and room treatment
 Digital and Analog Audio: Sampling Rate; Bit depth; AD/DA conversion;
Sampling theorem; Dynamic Range
 Mixing Console Workflow: Gain control; Equalizers; Panning, summing and
master faders; Auxiliary channels; Phantom power; Pre-amplification; Pre- and
Post-fader control; Cabling and standards
 Microphones: Dynamic microphones; Condenser microphones; Microphone
Directivity; Proximity effect

Multitrack Recording – Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs): Introduction to
audio sequencing; Sequencer basics; Monitoring; Click track recording; Editing;
Stereo Mixdown
 Audio Signal Processing: Equalizers; Reverberation; Dynamic Range Processing;
Modulation Effects; Distortion; Pitch Correction
 Mixing in DAWs: Panning; Equalization; Automation; Inserts; Sends; Mixing for
video and games
 Recording Techniques: Monophonic microphone placement; Stereophonic
Recording Techniques: Intensity stereo recording, Coincident stereo recording,
ORTF, Binaural Audio
 Stereophonic Mastering: Master bus signal processing; Mastering for CD/DVD;
The loudness wars; Dithering; Compression & Codecs
 MIDI: How MIDI works; Basic MIDI commands; General MIDI; MIDI Interfaces;
MIDI in sequencers; Quantization; Virtual Instruments (VST plug-ins)
 Introduction to Surround Sound: Overview of Multi-Channel Audio Technology;
5.1 Surround sound basics; Setting Up for Surround Sound on commercial
loudspeaker layouts; Surround Audio calibration
 Mixing and mastering for 5.1 surround sound: Surround Panning; Surround
Sound signal processing; Reverberation control; LFE Channel considerations;
Stereo Compatibility; Discrete Vs. Matrixed Surround Sound; Dolby Digital
 Interactive Sound Control with Pure Data (PD): Introduction to Real-time Audio
Signal Processing; Audio I/O control with PD; Multichannel Audio in PD; Audio
Filtering and DSP with PD; MIDI in PD

Moving Image for Digital Applications (Neill O’Dwyer)
This module aims to familiarize students with key concepts and debates
surrounding the moving image. Theories of representation are explored alongside
the development and expansion of the moving image in society. Questions of
realism will be discussed; the conventions of commercial narrative cinema will be
considered, along with strategies of representation that interrogate notions of
transparency. Works that offer alternative approaches to form, that seek to expand
the possibilities of the moving image and re-imagine the role of the spectator shall
be the focus of weekly discussion. A diverse range of influential theoretical, critical
and cultural perspectives related to the study of the moving image will be illustrated
via screenings of relevant material.

Moving Image for Digital Applications (Tom Burke)
Specific topics addressed in this module include:
 Narrative and narration
 Editing
 Mise-en-scène
 Documentary Film and Video
 Projection in Performance
 Interview techniques
 Moving Image and Interactive Installation
 Old Media, New Media and the Contemporary Media Landscape
 Camera, Lighting and Editing in Practice
 Digital Video Specifications
 Exposure Control & Colour Balance
 Camera Controls
 Audio Recording – including use of specific microphones
 Composition & Framing
 Lighting Techniques
 Post Production
 Audio Mixing in Post Production
 Digital Video File Encoding: data rates, frame sizes, compression rates,
compression codecs, colour depth

Practical topics include:
 Introduction to Digital Video (Introductions; Course Outline)
 Digital Video Specifications (Sensors: CMOS, CCD; Video formats; Pixel
Aspect ratio; Frame rates; Resolution; Scan Method)
 Exposure & Colour Balance (Aperture; Shutter Speed; ISO / Gain; White
 Introduction to Camera Systems (Controls; Functions; Operation; Tripod vs
 Audio techniques for video production (Diegetic, Non Diegetic Sound;
Types of microphones; Microphone placement; Room tone & Ambient
 Framing & Shot Types (Shot Size; Composition theory; Head room &
Looking room; Depth of Field; Cutaways)
 Lighting (Safety; Hard & Soft Light; Colour Temperature; Gels & reflectors;
3 Point lighting; Lighting Ratios)
 Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro (Creating a new Premiere project; File
formats; Capturing Footage; Editing; Exporting Movies)
 Funding: An overview of funding sources in the Irish context incl. RTE,
BAI, TG4, Virgin Media, The Arts Council, Screen Ireland

Introduction to Sensor Technologies (Niall O’Hara)
 Introduction to Sensor Technology: Providing on overview of Physical
Computing / Introduction to the fundamentals of Electronics / Introduction to
the components and tools used in the course.
 Introduction to Physical computing
 Basic Electricity and Electronics: Introduction to Electricity; Ohm’s Law; What is
a circuit; Reading a Resistor Chart; Reading a Schematic; Principles of
Electromagnetic transduction; Using a solder-less breadboard to build a
prototype circuit.
 Sensors and Actuators: Digital and Analogue sensors and actuators
 Introduction to the Arduino: Introduction to fundamentals of programming
with Arduino/ Simple I/O using DigitalWrite() and DigitalRead() / Building a
simple circuit using a sensor and an actuator.
 Introduction to the Arduino Board: Elements of the Microcontroller board;
Introduction to the Software IDE; Setting up Arduino: port and board

Teaching and learning Methods

e.g., lectures, laboratories, tutorials, online, field trips, practice-based, etc.
Please include a brief description.

Assessment Details

Assessment ComponentBrief DescriptionLearning Outcomes Addressed% of totalWeek setWeek Due
Coursework All100

Reassessment Details

Contact Hours and Indicative Student Workload

Contact Hours (scheduled hours per student over full module), broken down by:66 hours
Semester 1: Audio Technologies22 hours
Semester 1: Moving Image for Digital Applications (Vivienne O’Kelly)11 hours
Semester 2: Moving Image for Digital Applications (Tom Burke)22 hours
Semester 2: Sensor Technologies (Niall O’Hara)11 hours
Independent study (outside scheduled contact hours), broken down by:72 hours
Preparation for classes and review of material (including preparation for examination, if applicable22 hours
completion of assessments (including examination, if applicable)16 hours
Total Hours116 hours

Recommended Reading List

Students will be given recommended reading on a weekly basis and will also be
expected to read broadly beyond the topics covered during lectures.

Module Pre-requisites

Prerequisite modules: N/A

Other/alternative non-module prerequisites: N/A

Module Co-requisites


Module Website
