Welcome from Course Director
Welcome to the Joint Honours Computer Science programme. We are confident that you will find this programme stimulating and rewarding.
In first year (known in Trinity as Junior Fresh) you will spend half your time on Computer Science modules and half on your other subject. All Computer Science modules are mandatory in first year, and are designed to give you a strong foundation for later studies in Computer Science. You can find the details of these modules in the links on the right.
In second (Senior Fresh) year, you will choose to focus more on one of other of the subjects, and you will have some choice in the modules you take. Your exit award will depend on the balance of the two subjects in third and fourth year; in these years you have considerable choice of topics.
Although you will be in classes with many other students studying Computer Science, you have the advantage of being a smaller, more manageable group, with only 45-50 students per year. We hope you will form strong, supportive, possibly lifelong bonds with your class.
In order to succeed in this course, you will need to engage fully in all learning activities and to work hard. If you are having any difficulties, seek help early. The kinds of supports available to you are detailed in the course handbook.
Wishing you every success in your course.
Dr Nina Bresnihan
Course Director, Joint Honours Computer Science
Course Director
Dr Nina Bresnihan
Assistant Professor in Computer Science
Course Administrator
Luiza Tortora