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Computer Science and Business

Year 4 (Senior Sophister)

In the Senior Sophister (fourth) year, students take a combination of subjects, of which at least 20 ECTS credits must be from business and 20 ECTS credits in Computer Science. The computer science modules offered to Senior Sophister students are shown below.

The Computer Science Final Year Project (CSU44099, 20 ECTS) is mandatory.

Current students should follow the links to the eLearning environment, Blackboard, or to the module website or refer to for full details, including assessment criteria and learning outcomes.

Computer Science Modules – electives

CSU44001 – Fuzzy Logic and Control Systems

(Semester 1, 5 ECTS) This course will introduce you to the exciting new field of fuzzy systems and the related topics in machine learning and the so-called deep learning neural nets.

CSU44004 – Formal Verification

(Semester 1, 5 ECTS) Specification languages and logics; axiomatic program semantics. Formal proof
systems to verify software and system properties such as propositional, predicate
and Hoare logic.

CSU44051 – Human Factors

(Semester 1, 5 ECTS) The module provides an introduction to the field of Human-Computer Interaction, focused both on understanding human interactions with technology and on the design of useful and usable interactive systems.

CSU44052 – Computer Graphics

(Semester 1, 5 ECTS) The objective of this module is to equip the students with the fundamental understanding of the major elements of Computer Graphics and explore related areas including geometric modelling, rendering and animation.

CSU44053 – Computer Vision

(Semester 1, 5 ECTS) The aim of this module is to give students a firm understanding of the theory
underlying the processing and interpretation of visual information and the ability to
apply that understanding to ubiquitous computing and entertainment related

CSU44061 – Machine Learning

(Semester 1, 5 ECTS) An introduction to machine learning using techniques including linear regression, logistic regression and neural networks in real-world scenarios.

CSU44062 – 4CSLL5 Advanced Computational Linguistics

(Semester 1, 5 ECTS) Understand in general what a probabilistic model is, the distinction between so-called visible and hidden variables, and the distinctive nature of models where each datum is a sequence of varying length, rather then a fixed-size set of features

CSU44098 – Group Design Project

(Semester 2, 10 ECTS) Instruction will be provided in Agile development methodologies and facilities will be provided in order to promote close collaboration between team members.