We are pleased to announce that applications for the 2022 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science UK & Ireland Rising Talent Programme will open on Monday 6th December at 09:00 GMT.
We will be awarding five outstanding early-career women scientists a grant of £15,000 (equivalent € for candidates in Ireland) to support their research in the fields of Physical Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Life Sciences and Sustainable Development.
The awards have been designed to provide flexible and practical financial support to enable these women scientists to further their research and careers. With the grant, winners may choose to spend their fellowship on buying scientific equipment, paying for childcare, travel costs or indeed whatever they need to continue their research.
In addition to financial support, each year past and present fellows receive training and networking opportunities supported by L’Oréal.
Candidates can apply online here by the deadline of 13th January 2022 at 17:00 GMT.
The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in May 2022, further details will be shared on the website in due course.
We will be hosting two webinars during the call for applications with some of the 2021 fellows speaking about their experience of the programme and an opportunity for potential candidates to ask questions. Webinars can be registered for here.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the team.
Best wishes,
The For Women in Science Team
Website: https://www.forwomeninscience.com/
Email: ellie.anghileri@loreal.com / forwomeninscienceuk@loreal.com