The Growing Thought Leadership Award

The IFTRIP – the International Forum for Terrorism Risk (Re)Insurance Pools has launched a student award programme titled, ‘The Growing Thought Leadership Award’ (GTLA).

What Is The GTLA?

The GTLA is an international award program that provides a platform for motivated students to showcase their ideas, insights and observations with a global audience of industry professionals. The GTLA is open to undergraduate and post-graduate students worldwide aged between 18-30 years and will be awarded to the best original paper that presents an observational study or investigative research on one of the six provided terrorism/insurance related topics. These topics will form the basis of the discussions taking place at the 2022 IFTRIP ‘ReCODE’ Conference.

The winning applicant will receive a significant monetary prize, enrollment in a mentorship program and an opportunity to showcase their ideas/findings to a global audience of industry experts and leaders at the 2022 IFTRIP Conference.

Visit for full details, criteria and T&C’s.

IFTRIP: As the only forum of its kind in the world, the aim of IFTRIP is to support initiatives for closer international collaboration between sovereign-backed terrorism reinsurance pools. The annual IFTRIP Conference provides a platform for the exchange of experience in mitigation and capacity building against economic loss resulting from terrorism. IFTRIP also coordinates and contributes to international and cross-sectoral working groups on a variety of topical issues, from cyber terrorism to nuclear pool coverage. The primary principle of IFTRIP is to share ideas and best practice by providing a forum for the exchange of knowledge, information and experience in mitigation and capacity building against economic loss resulting from catastrophic events.