Seeking student volunteers for the SCSS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committee

The School’s Athena SWAN team, having been awarded Bronze Athena SWAN status in April, is morphing into the SCSS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committee. The new committee will continue to pursue the aims of Athena SWAN, which are principally around gender equality, but will also expand into other areas of EDI.

We aim to have the committee reflect the diversity of the school community and we are now looking for a couple of undergraduate and taught postgraduate students to join us. Student representatives would be encouraged to join the committee’s working group focussed on students. The committee will normally meet monthly, with working groups also meeting monthly or as required.

If you have a particular interest in equality, diversity and inclusion, please consider volunteering by emailing

Lucy Hederman

Champion of the SCSS Athena SWAN team / EDI committee