Foruma Trinity Autonomous is Recruiting

Over the past few months, Formula Trinity have been increasing activities in 
the Autonomous realm. Recently they qualified and competed in the F1Tenth 
competition with 17 other teams around the world. 

Autonomous will be rapidly expanding activities with the aim of 
successfully competing in Silverstone for the 2022 FSAI competition. 

If you’re really keen to get into robotics, machine learning and 
autonomous vehicles, then consider applying to join the team by visiting the  Forumla Trinity website. (

Why Join?

  • Gain critical experience in state estimation, path finding, perception, software development and reinforcement learning. 
  • Make amazing friends outside of your class (we have students from law,  business, computer science, engineering etc). 
  • Participate in an international community famous for producing top talent. 
  • Help create a student-driven ecosystem for all things autonomous and robotics in Trinity. 

Upcoming Events

There will be an information talk specifically for Autonomous on November 
5th at 6PM. The zoom link can be found on social media channels closer 
to the time ( There will be Q&A at the end.