This page describes the arrangements for teaching in SCSS in response to COVID-19 public health measures in the 2022-23 academic year. It should be read in conjunction with the main TCD COVID-19 information page and the SCSS COVID-19 information page found here: https://www.scss.tcd.ie/covid19/
It is important to note that the information below applies only to SCSS modules and SCSS facilities. Students taking modules in other Schools (e.g. Business, Economics, Language, or Linguistics modules) should also refer to the information provided by our partner Schools.
SCSS Computer Labs
SCSS Computer Labs are available on an “open access” basis during designated Lab Opening Times.
Covid-19 Safety Protocols
All students are asked to adhere to College safety protocols when on campus for in-person teaching activities or student club and society events (i.e. mask wearing, hand washing, cough etiquette and to maintain social distancing.)
Please do not congregate outside lecture or tutorial rooms after your classes; we would ask you to exit the building immediately after your event has finished.
Further information is available on the College COVID-19 website.
Meetings with staff
If you are meeting a lecturer or other member of staff, please do not assume that the meeting will take place in the office of the staff member unless they have explicitly told you this. Many meetings with staff will continue to take place online. Please do not call to a staff member’s office unannounced.