Internship Opportunity 2021
Institution/Team: Trinity College Dublin
Project Title: Aligning App/Clinical/biological data sets with Amazon and COVID databases at Trinity.
Suitable for students in the following areas:
Computer Science
Skills needed: Experience in data extraction (JSON) understanding of AWS and visualisation platforms like d3,js would be minimum requirements.
Project Description:
Prof Seamas Donnelly is looking to take on a Computer Science intern for a paid position starting mid-June/July 2021. The position will likely be remote-from-home, but reporting into Prof Donnelly’s team in Trinity College Dublin. The role is to align Prof. Donnelly’s and ADAPT DLab’s App/Clinical/biological data sets with Amazon and COVID databases at Trinity College Dublin To give some context, there are multiple ways Long COVID is being researched currently. The successful computer science student will be working to generate insights from multiple datasets
To apply – send a short CV and cover letter to by Thursday 13th May COB.
The Role of the student & benefits gained from participation in this project:
Long-COVID is defined as significantly disabling symptoms in an individual at least 12 weeks after the acute COVID-19 infection has subsided. It is estimated that up to 1:10 patients acutely infected are at-risk. The main debilitating symptoms are either brain or lung related and are fatigue, brain fog, anxiety depression or persistent shortnerss of breath secondary to lung injury and pulmonary fibrosis. There are various clinical, technological, genomic and biological datasets being created and the principal role of the studenr will be to align these databases to allow maximum interrogation with the aim of identifying potential underlying biological mechanisms underlying this syndrome.
Who will be working with you?
Prof Seamas Donnelly, Department of Medicine, Trinity Colege Dublin Short description of the group:
Other information:
To apply – send a short CV and cover letter to by Thursday 13th May COB.
For further details on this project please contact:
Joris Vreeke @
1 This is an initial description of the role of the student and it is liable to change following discussions between the investigators and the student.