A student challenge designed to stretch your limits KPMG Ideation Challenge KPMG would love to have the computer science students taking part in the KPMG Ideation Challenge 2021 (KIC). Students will work in teams to generate a new idea to solve a business challenge using the power of their business, technology, and data and analytics knowledge. They will compete head-to-head in Dublin against the brightest students across the country. The national winning team will win a €1000 prize for their team, and will have the opportunity to complete against students across the world in the global finals. What is the Student Challenge? Create an advanced technology solution that helps an organization or industry of your choice overcome or leverage the impacts of the global pandemic. Timeline for KIC Date: Before Friday 29 January 2021 Register now at: https://kpmgireland.avature.net/KIC2021 Ideation Academy workshop & pitch your idea to the judges Thursday 25 & Friday 26 February 2021. Attend an ideation workshop in Dublin where students will work in a team to ideate solutions to the business challenge, get professional coaching from KPMG experts and pitch their idea to a panel of judges. Global finals 12 April & 13 April, 2021 An opportunity to win €1000 for your team at the national competition in Dublin and get the opportunity to compete in the global finals. Best regards Lucy, Campus Recruitment kpmg.com/socialmedia |